The Nation's .
Quality care starting at $29.95/mo.
Doctors are available now.
By clicking Get Started, you authorize TelmdFirst to contact you at the email and number provided (mobile or otherwise), and understand we may use automated technology (phone, messaging, prerecorded, etc.) to contact you on that number for general and marketing purposes. Your consent is not a requirement to purchase. You agree to our Privacy Policy including arbitration and are not a resident of Iowa or Indiana. Standard messaging and data rates may apply.
The #1 rated telemedicine company.
You can always feel great about your TelMDFirst service.
Accepting New Patients
Annual Sale Ends 1/15
One Time Visit
Talk to a Doctor Fast
Unlimited doctor visits.
Covers your family.
One time use.
Priority customer service.
Phone, video or app 24/7.
Fast track 10 minute wait.
Save $100 vs. urgent care.
No insurance required.
No co-pays or deductibles.
Get prescriptions & refills.
Individual Plan
Covers individual patient.
Includes 2 visits/mo.
Has 3 month minimum.
Available 7 days a week.
Priority customer service.
Phone, video or app 24/7.
Fast track 10 minute wait.
Save $100 vs. urgent care.
No insurance required.
No co-pays or deductibles.
Get prescriptions & refills.
Family Plan
Covers your family.
Includes 10 visits/yr.
Available 7 days a week.
Priority customer service.
Phone, video or app 24/7.
Fast track 60 minute wait.
Save $100 vs. urgent care.
No insurance required.
No co-pays or deductibles.
Get prescriptions & refills.
Doctors are available now.
By clicking Get Started, you authorize TelmdFirst to contact you at the email and number provided (mobile or otherwise), and understand we may use automated technology (phone, messaging, prerecorded, etc.) to contact you on that number for general and marketing purposes. Your consent is not a requirement to purchase. You agree to our Privacy Policy including arbitration and are not a resident of Iowa or Indiana. Standard messaging and data rates may apply.
Free upgrade to family plans.
Family Monthly
$69.99.99 $49.98/mo.
Covers your entire family.
Phone, video or app 24/7.
Fast track 10 minute wait.
Save $100 vs. urgent care.
No insurance required.
No co-pays or deductibles.
Priority customer service.
Get prescriptions & refills.
Family Annual
$599.88 $299.88/yr.
Covers your entire family.
Phone, video or app 24/7.
Fast track 10 minute wait.
Save $100 vs. urgent care.
No insurance required.
No co-pays or deductibles.
Priority customer service.
Get prescriptions & refills.
Our doctors write scripts & refills & send them to your local store.
Doctors are available now.
By clicking Get Started, you authorize TelmdFirst to contact you at the email and number provided (mobile or otherwise), and understand we may use automated technology (phone, messaging, prerecorded, etc.) to contact you on that number for general and marketing purposes. Your consent is not a requirement to purchase. You agree to our Privacy Policy including arbitration and are not a resident of Iowa or Indiana. Standard messaging and data rates may apply.
Enroll by phone call: 888-851-5333
Annual plans include:
- 24/7 Doctors Access
- No Insurance Required
- Unlimited Doctors Visits
- No Co-pays or Deductibles
- New Prescriptions & Refills
You can always feel great with us.
Trusted by 29 million members.
Our doctors are board-certified and have an average of 15 years of experience.
Doctors are available now.
By clicking Get Started, you authorize TelmdFirst to contact you at the email and number provided (mobile or otherwise), and understand we may use automated technology (phone, messaging, prerecorded, etc.) to contact you on that number for general and marketing purposes. Your consent is not a requirement to purchase. You agree to our Privacy Policy including arbitration and are not a resident of Iowa or Indiana. Standard messaging and data rates may apply.
Your First Choice in Telemedicine
We are proud to be partnered with the nation’s largest and most established telemedicine service provider. We have the very best offer available online because we are a high-volume reseller. We have a special promotional only available through this website that allows new members UNLIMITED doctor visits for themselves AND their families, for a flat rate.